- Skin Treatments
- Chemical peels
- Hand rejuvenation
- PDO threads
- RF Skin Needling
Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis can be reduced using muscle relaxants into sweat glands in areas like the underarm, feet or hands, we can effectively decrease sweat production and restore your confidence.
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Tempus sed velit diam iaculis aliquet eget fringilla nulla ut placerat sed placerat fermentum at platea commodo hac nunc ultrices tempus lectus eleifend sodales libero tincidunt turpis blandit urna fringilla at suspendisse cursus lacinia vitae elit volutpat ullamcorper erat bibendum at mattis leo nibh quis consequat risus rhoncus pellentesque felis tortor nam fames quis risus sit tortor integer justo semper enim mi orci sed eget sapien eget aenean euismod.
Sweating, as stinky and uncomfortable as it can be, is a naturally occurring process that helps to maintain normal body temperature. However, for some people, the sweat glands become overactive to a point that it causes excessive sweating and can potentially have a serious impact on your social life and relationship, perhaps even to your emotional health.
The good news is, excessive sweating or medically known as hyperhidrosis is treatable. At The Lime Tree Clinic, we offer a non-surgical procedure using sweat reduction injections to treat localised hyperhidrosis, allowing you to not sweat the small stuff to help you regain your confidence and peace of mind.
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